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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Debate: Who is better: Moon or Glory?

The two creators of this blog, Ms. M and Ms. P, face down on a question never answered: Who is better, Moon or Glory? Ms. M has chosen Glory as her representative, and Ms. P has chosen Moon as her representative. They face down in the ultimate challenge with their reasons why their character should win. What will happen?

Ms. M: Glory can change colors!
Ms. P: Who cares about pretty colors? Moon can read minds! I would give a left foot to read minds!
Ms. M: Nobody cares about reading minds! Glory is the queen of RainWings and NightWings, which means she is Moon's queen!
Random Person: Ooh, this is getting heated! I wonder which one goes to jail?
Ms. M and Ms. P: Ummm..... Okay..
Ms. P: Well anyways, Moon can read minds and figure out Glory's worst fear and use it to get her off the throne. And then, Moon could become the NightWings' new queen! Mwah-ha-ha!
Ms. M: Well, Glory's worst fear- Scarlet is dead (if you have read book 8). And she would still be queen of RainWings. Mwah-ha-ha to you!
Ms. P: Well, (That is the one millionth time we said 'well', so whatever) Moon would also be queen and she could plan an attack on the rainforest because the lazy, useless, RainWings could never defend themselves even with tranquilizer darts and venom. Moon could read there minds to see what they were planning and prepare the NightWings for it.
Ms. M: So what? Tsunami is the one training the RainWings and she could get the the SeaWings to be on the RainWings side. And since there are a lot of RainWings she can't get into all their minds at once. Plus they can all wear skyfire.
Ms. P: Riptide specifically said "Pffft. We are not afraid of RainWings. What a thing to say." The SeaWings are the exact opposite of RainWings. They don't want anything to do with the lazy
RainWings, they probably have more important things on their mind; LIKE REBUILDING THE SUMMER PALACE!!! Hello! They don't have time for battles outside their own tribe.
Ms. M: They would if their princess says so and they have two animus dragons on their side. And no other tribe is going to trust NightWings since they all lied. Darkstalker isn't gonna be a help either since he wants to destroy all tribes. HA-HA-HA.
The same Random person: How long is this gonna last?
Ms. P: Will you just be quiet! Anywho, enough with the Ha-Ha! AAHH! Anyhow, Moon is the exact opposite of what dragons believe NightWings are. She's sweet, loyal, and trustworthy. Plus she has real powers. She is also the exact opposite of Glory!! Glory is sarcastic, untrustworthy and
 unminding. (Is that even a word?) And Queen Coral wouldn't risk Anemone and Turtle, who are her CHILDREN, to turn evil. She would find some other way to rebuild the summer palace, which would probably take a really long time.
Ms. M: Well vote know to see who wins, go to the bottom of the blog to vote (For Glory)
Ms. P: Hey, I wasn't done yet! Moon is so much better because- Well, whatever. Remember, vote for MOON at the bottom of the blog. Ignore the 'vote for Glory part' for your own good. Or else...
Ms. M: Nobody cares about you finishing. MUST VOTE FOR GLORY.
Random person: Glory, Glory, Glory. Whoops did I say that out loud!
Same random person: I was saying that because glory to myself because this loooooong post finally ended. 🙃🙃🙃

1 comment:

  1. MOON ��������������
