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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Another Fanfic! The Scorching! Part One

Thanks to ThatDragonLayingAround from the Wings Of Fire wiki for the idea. We love your theory about The Scorching! This is written in two points of view; the scavenger general and a SkyWing-like dragon. We do not own NASA! (Duh!) This fanfic has the slightest chance it will be made into a chapter book. But don't get your hopes too high. This is most likely the only chapter. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REVIEW AND/OR COMMENT!!! THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THIS WILL HAVE ANOTHER INSTALLMENT! Enjoy!

General Mark

Mark had an uneasy feeling. NASA had spotted a faint radiation pulsing from a luminous body supposedly headed for our home star, creating a possible sonic boom; blah, blah, blah. Bottom line: They had found a space rock zooming towards Earth. One dastardly blow, and mankind could go the same way as T-Rexes. Meteorologists, geologists, astronomers, and who-not were protecting the earth. Within months, billions of new shelters were built every 25 miles across the globe. They sustained damage up to ten thousand tons in weight. But were they ready enough? Nobody had cared more or less about what would happen to the Genetically Modified Creature Positioning System; the GMCPS Satellites stationed six thousand miles away from Earth. To be truthful, Mark didn't care either. Who cared about what happened to the dragons? They were having enough trouble with protecting humans, thank you very much. No way was there going to be enough time to worry about those dragons. 
Suddenly a calm female voice echoed over the shelter loudspeaker, jolting Mark awake from his thoughts.
" The luminous body has been identified, and is now about 300,000 miles away from Planet Earth. It is traveling at about a speed of 150,000 miles per hour. Please go into lockdown mode: Form 5. Repeat, Lockdown Mode: Form 5. Do not panic. In case of destruction, head to the Iron Room. Thank you."
A sudden chaos erupted in the shelter, with a current of people headed into the main room. Mark, his wife, and his daughter joined the flow. The rush finally settled down, as they helped themselves into iron armor. The crowd crouched down, their hands protecting their heads. A few minutes of silence passed.
Suddenly, bright red warning lights flashed from all over the room. A voice, loud and firm shouted over the loudspeaker. " The luminous body has collided with the moon. Repeat, the body has collided with the moon. The moon has broken in three. Repeat, the moon has broken in three." it said. All of a sudden, every single phone in the room chimed, " Wifi connection has been lost."
Oh no, Mark thought. It hit the Satellite connection, which was 22,000 miles from Earth. In a minute or two, it could hit Earth, the only hope was it to slow down.

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