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Welcome to the Wings of Fire club

Welcome readers! We hope you enjoy reading our posts. We have competitions, fanfic, images, opinions, and more!!! All posts are WOF related....

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Wings of Fire Trivia!!!

Welcome to the first edition of WoF trivia! Answers will be posted shortly, after a few answers.

1. What kind a singing voice does Starflight have?
2. What is Clay's mother's name?
3. Name all of Clay's sibs.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Update for contest (again)

  We have one more entry for the contest. So now we have 3 entries, they are:
Rainbow the RainWing
Glory the RainWing
Fontain the SeaWing

Right now Fontain is in the lead.
Please enter our contest!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who is better, Thorn or Ruby?

This is debate to see who is the better queen Thorn or Ruby? Starring Ms.M and Ms.P.

Ms. P: Queen Ruby is a very good queen. End of discussion.
Ms. M: Not end of discussion, Ruby is a horrible Queen even Glacier is better.
Ms. P: How dare you? Glacier is an IceWing, of all tribes. She follows that dastardly IceWing ranking system. Ruby converted the arena to a hospital. She takes care of her subjects! That is clearly a sign of being a good queen.
Ms. M: She was under a spell!
Ms.P: She was not! She was just in Tourmaline's body! She was still herself, just in different scales. She loves her son dearly, too, so she probably loves dragonets.
Ms. M: She made everyone swear to be loyal to her. Besides, she just took over the kingdom without even trying to find Scarlet.
Ms. P: She tried her hardest to find Scarlet! And she made dragons swear because she was protecting them against mutiny! It wouldn't be great to have a bunch of Scarlet supporters take over the whole Sky Kingdom! She made sure all the citizen were loyal to her and wouldn't mutiny against her.
Random Person: Oooooh! Who is going to go to jail this time?
Ms. M: Be quiet, anyway Thorn has "the power of the wings of fire."
Ms. P: The 'power of the Wings of Fire' was only for the SandWing's war of succession. It didn't count other tribes. If there was one for SkyWings,  Queen Ruby would have definitely gotten it over Scarlet.
Ms. M: I guess, but there isn't. And Thorn is much more stronger she fought Princess Burn's huge army with her tiny one. Ruby on the other hand couldn't fight Scarlet, she had to be Tourmaline first.
Ms. P: Thorn is strong, but Ruby had to be changed into Tourmaline because the spell made it impossible for her to defeat Scarlet. She would have surely died if she still...
Ms. M: Okay, Okay we get it you think Ruby is awesome. Just vote for who you think is the best.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Update on the Draw a Dragon contest!

We've received two entries so far, and we thought fans would like to have this update. Entry Number one is an OC, Rainbow the RainWing. Entry Number two is Glory the RainWing. For some reason, the images that we received weren't able to be put on this post. But we will decide on September First, and all other entries are very welcome.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jade Winglet Pokemon pack

We now have our own WOF Pokemon cards! They are attached below. Qibli was the only one able to upload, sadly. Look out for updates soon! The image was Googled. *is sheepish* We can't draw that well!

Monday, July 18, 2016

7 minutes in Heaven!

On the dragonets tenth hatching day Deathbringer and Riptide hosted a hatching day party. They invited every dragon in Pyrrhia.
During the party Deathbringer stepped up to the platform and yelled "ATTENTION FRIENDS, FOES, AND ROYAL IDIOTS! Its time to play a stupid little game called...  7 minutes in heaven!" Deathbringer tooted on a royal conch."The first person is..." he picked a name out of a bucket. "Glory." Glory stepped up on the platform and said, "I.. don't-" "All you need to do is pick a name out of a bucket and go in the closet with him for seven minutes." Deathbringer interrupted. "Which could be me." he added in a whisper only Glory could hear. He gave Glory a bucket with pictures of other dragons in it. She picked out a picture of an overly handsome NightWing. "Is that you? You look like a pig compared to this." Glory commented. "Now, now, no harsh words." Deathbringer said, pulling Glory into a closet behind him. Glory struggled, but Deathbringer had a firm grip on her. Kinkajou shouted from outside, " Seven minutes... Starts... Now!" As the closet door closed. It was surprisingly warm and dark in the closet. " Umm, you have a thing.. On your snout. I think it's leftover papaya. Let me wipe it off for you." Deathbringer said, leaning for. Suddenly, in full force, Deathbringer pressed his snout against Glory's snout. After what seemed like any eternity, Deathbringer pulled away. " That's what you get for being so perfectly wonderful." He said. Suprisingly, Glory launched on top of him and covered his mouth. "Don't you dare say a word of this to anyone, you cute little NightWing." she said before kissing him back. They were in mid- kiss when the door flew open.
"Looks like Queen Glory has found her match!" Kinkajou said chuckling. " Seven minutes are up! Do you want another round together?" " No thank you. I have had enough of Deathy here for one day." Glory said, getting up and brushing herself off. The couple walked back to their seats. "Next is... Winter!" Kinkajou said cheerfully. Winter walked up to the platform blushing. Kinkajou handed him the bucket. Winter pulled out a paper and said "Moon." Moonwatcher walked up to the platform with
 her head down. "Winter and Moon sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Qibli said. Deathbringer shoved
the in the closet. "7 minutes... Start... Now!" He said locking the closet.
"Umm.. Nice of Deathbringer to put us together.." Moon mumbled. "NICE? DEATHBRINGER? Need I remind you I was the one to pull your picture out of the bucket!" Winter roared. Moon threw her wings on top of her head, as if she expected Winter to attack her. Oops, he thought as soon as he
said it. " You are a wonderful dragon, Winter. You deserve to be with me." She said, laughing at her humorless joke. "And, you deserve this." Moon said, embracing Winter with bone-cracking strength. Winter leaned into her. Moons talons slipped around his cold silver scales just as-
"Time's up!" Qibli roared, flinging open the door. "Ummmm.......... Shy Moon isn't so shy anymore." They returned to their seats blushing. "Next is...Clay!" Qibli said. Clay walked up to the platform and picked a name out of the bucket. It was.... Peril. "Don't burn yourselves!" Qibli said, locking the closet. "7..... minutes.......start.....now!" Came a voice from outside. The hot closet seemed even hotter than before with Peril's fire-hot scales. She shifted carefully. " Umm. Clay.." Peril started. " What should I say, what should I say, she thought frantically. "Umm.. I think you are the most kind, caring, thoughtful, sweet, dragon in the world. And your the only dragon dragon in the world that sees me as a normal dragon. So I really, really love you." Peril said quickly.
"Aww.. That's too sweet." Clay remarked in his sweet way. " You wanna know something?" He added in a murmur. "You are my most favorite dragon in the world. I know it didn't seem like that before, but...." Clay started in a warm voice.
"Will you marry me? I've want to be with you my entire life.. So, will you marry me?" Clay proposed.
"Yes. Yes I-" Peril said with happy tears in her eyes, just as...
"Oh. My. Goodness. Three Moons, Clay! We should have another party for this! You finally proposed to Peril. Everybody raise your coconuts to Clay, who shall now have a hot; literally, wife!" Deathbringer shouted.
" To Clay!" Every dragon shouted, sloshing coconut water.
Peril shifted uncomfortably just as her tail hit the closet.
"She's made fire!" Deathbringer shouted manically, pointing and jumping at the flaming closet.

Please comment!

Hi wings of fire fans! Please comment on our posts, it's the only way our website won't shut down!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Another Fanfic! The Scorching! Part One

Thanks to ThatDragonLayingAround from the Wings Of Fire wiki for the idea. We love your theory about The Scorching! This is written in two points of view; the scavenger general and a SkyWing-like dragon. We do not own NASA! (Duh!) This fanfic has the slightest chance it will be made into a chapter book. But don't get your hopes too high. This is most likely the only chapter. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REVIEW AND/OR COMMENT!!! THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THIS WILL HAVE ANOTHER INSTALLMENT! Enjoy!

General Mark

Mark had an uneasy feeling. NASA had spotted a faint radiation pulsing from a luminous body supposedly headed for our home star, creating a possible sonic boom; blah, blah, blah. Bottom line: They had found a space rock zooming towards Earth. One dastardly blow, and mankind could go the same way as T-Rexes. Meteorologists, geologists, astronomers, and who-not were protecting the earth. Within months, billions of new shelters were built every 25 miles across the globe. They sustained damage up to ten thousand tons in weight. But were they ready enough? Nobody had cared more or less about what would happen to the Genetically Modified Creature Positioning System; the GMCPS Satellites stationed six thousand miles away from Earth. To be truthful, Mark didn't care either. Who cared about what happened to the dragons? They were having enough trouble with protecting humans, thank you very much. No way was there going to be enough time to worry about those dragons. 
Suddenly a calm female voice echoed over the shelter loudspeaker, jolting Mark awake from his thoughts.
" The luminous body has been identified, and is now about 300,000 miles away from Planet Earth. It is traveling at about a speed of 150,000 miles per hour. Please go into lockdown mode: Form 5. Repeat, Lockdown Mode: Form 5. Do not panic. In case of destruction, head to the Iron Room. Thank you."
A sudden chaos erupted in the shelter, with a current of people headed into the main room. Mark, his wife, and his daughter joined the flow. The rush finally settled down, as they helped themselves into iron armor. The crowd crouched down, their hands protecting their heads. A few minutes of silence passed.
Suddenly, bright red warning lights flashed from all over the room. A voice, loud and firm shouted over the loudspeaker. " The luminous body has collided with the moon. Repeat, the body has collided with the moon. The moon has broken in three. Repeat, the moon has broken in three." it said. All of a sudden, every single phone in the room chimed, " Wifi connection has been lost."
Oh no, Mark thought. It hit the Satellite connection, which was 22,000 miles from Earth. In a minute or two, it could hit Earth, the only hope was it to slow down.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Debate: Who is better: Moon or Glory?

The two creators of this blog, Ms. M and Ms. P, face down on a question never answered: Who is better, Moon or Glory? Ms. M has chosen Glory as her representative, and Ms. P has chosen Moon as her representative. They face down in the ultimate challenge with their reasons why their character should win. What will happen?

Ms. M: Glory can change colors!
Ms. P: Who cares about pretty colors? Moon can read minds! I would give a left foot to read minds!
Ms. M: Nobody cares about reading minds! Glory is the queen of RainWings and NightWings, which means she is Moon's queen!
Random Person: Ooh, this is getting heated! I wonder which one goes to jail?
Ms. M and Ms. P: Ummm..... Okay..
Ms. P: Well anyways, Moon can read minds and figure out Glory's worst fear and use it to get her off the throne. And then, Moon could become the NightWings' new queen! Mwah-ha-ha!
Ms. M: Well, Glory's worst fear- Scarlet is dead (if you have read book 8). And she would still be queen of RainWings. Mwah-ha-ha to you!
Ms. P: Well, (That is the one millionth time we said 'well', so whatever) Moon would also be queen and she could plan an attack on the rainforest because the lazy, useless, RainWings could never defend themselves even with tranquilizer darts and venom. Moon could read there minds to see what they were planning and prepare the NightWings for it.
Ms. M: So what? Tsunami is the one training the RainWings and she could get the the SeaWings to be on the RainWings side. And since there are a lot of RainWings she can't get into all their minds at once. Plus they can all wear skyfire.
Ms. P: Riptide specifically said "Pffft. We are not afraid of RainWings. What a thing to say." The SeaWings are the exact opposite of RainWings. They don't want anything to do with the lazy
RainWings, they probably have more important things on their mind; LIKE REBUILDING THE SUMMER PALACE!!! Hello! They don't have time for battles outside their own tribe.
Ms. M: They would if their princess says so and they have two animus dragons on their side. And no other tribe is going to trust NightWings since they all lied. Darkstalker isn't gonna be a help either since he wants to destroy all tribes. HA-HA-HA.
The same Random person: How long is this gonna last?
Ms. P: Will you just be quiet! Anywho, enough with the Ha-Ha! AAHH! Anyhow, Moon is the exact opposite of what dragons believe NightWings are. She's sweet, loyal, and trustworthy. Plus she has real powers. She is also the exact opposite of Glory!! Glory is sarcastic, untrustworthy and
 unminding. (Is that even a word?) And Queen Coral wouldn't risk Anemone and Turtle, who are her CHILDREN, to turn evil. She would find some other way to rebuild the summer palace, which would probably take a really long time.
Ms. M: Well vote know to see who wins, go to the bottom of the blog to vote (For Glory)
Ms. P: Hey, I wasn't done yet! Moon is so much better because- Well, whatever. Remember, vote for MOON at the bottom of the blog. Ignore the 'vote for Glory part' for your own good. Or else...
Ms. M: Nobody cares about you finishing. MUST VOTE FOR GLORY.
Random person: Glory, Glory, Glory. Whoops did I say that out loud!
Same random person: I was saying that because glory to myself because this loooooong post finally ended. 🙃🙃🙃