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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our First Fanfic! Glory Gets Married!!!

     Glory couldn't believe it. This was the moment she had been waiting for since Deathbringer had proposed to her. She flopped down dreamily. She still remembered the day...

     It was twilight. Glory sat on top of the highest platform, toying with a fruit. Her head rested in Deathbringer's lap. Orange fireflies glowed all around them. 
     "I love these times. The only minutes I get to spend with your sarcastic upbeat self." Deathbringer said.
     " Mmm-hmm." Glory wondered where this was going.
     " You know I love you." Glory bolted upright. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her eyes widened.
     " The more time I spend with you, the readier I am to make this decision. So. Does this RainWing agree to be my wife? Because I've been ready for it for years."
     Glory's heart stopped. She couldn't do this. She couldn't. Never in a thousand years. She would never get married. She didn't want eggs. She was independent. She was- 
     " Yes. Yes I do." Glory blurted these words before she could even bring herself to think about them. They kissed. She would never forget this moment.

     " Glory! Three moons, what are you doing! It's nearly time!" Tsunami shouted. She jolted upright. She didn't mean to fall asleep.
     Sunny came over. "Grandeur wants to see you. She needs to dress you up."
     Glory flew over to another platform. It was fully concealed with banana leaves; much like the Groom's Platform. Tsunami and Sunny followed her.
     "What have you been doing!" Grandeur bustled over. "Change your scales to silvery white." she ordered. Glory did as so. She looked around, Kinkajou and Orchid, the bridesmaids, were dressed in a deep violet. Sunny draped a wreath of  orange paper flowers around her shoulders, while Tsunami pampered her with specialized 'Scale-Shine'.
     " If I knew the wedding was this dramatic, I would have never agreed to get married!" Glory joked.
     " Just stay still." Tsunami said, trying to get a spot of blood off her tail. Two petite dragons fluttered over and attached a long silvery white veil to match her scales over her head. It fell down to her snout. She sneezed.
     " Ooh! Glory definitely needs to rub on some of that face highlight you were talking about, Grandeur!" Kinkajou exclaimed.
     Oh no.
     Grandeur picked up a coconut of sticky, pale pink, stuff, and she tenderly used a piece of sloth fur to swish it around her cheeks.
     " Put your chin up, Glory. I want too see how terrible your face looks." Tsunami said. Shoving Tsunami, Glory did as she was told. But Sunny and Tsunami's faces fell into awe.
     " I never thought I'd say this, but you look beautiful!" Tsunami said. Sunny could do nothing but nod and beam.
     Well, this is it, she thought. I am going to marry the love of my life. 
     Outside, a royal conch sounded. Pounding drums echoed through the rainforest.
     " Groom, You may enter!" Mangrove's voice called.
     Deathbringer swooped up in a graceful arch and settled down onto the highest platform. Two male RainWings, Clay and Starflight followed him.
     " Bride, You may enter!"
     With a shove from Grandeur, Glory lead Kinkajou, Orchid, Sunny, and Tsunami in a graceful arch. They too settled onto the highest platform. Oohs and Ahhs chorused from below.
     Glory's heart started racing. What would happen to the ceremony if she fainted?  She felt a warm talon on her shoulder. " You'll be great." Sunny whispered. For once, Glory had to believe in the SandWing's advice.
     " Do you, Deathbringer of the NightWings, take this dragon to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Mangrove asked.
     " I do." Deathbringer said confidently with a grin.
     " Do you, Glory of the RainWings, take this dragon to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
      Glory paused. Her future flashed before her. Would her dragonets be criticized if the world found out they were half NightWing? Would she? What would Deathbringer do as king?
     The crowd broke out in whispers. Deathbringer looked terrified.
     Glory took a deep breath. " I do." she said.
     The crowd broke into deafening cheers.
     " I proclaim you mates for life!" Mangrove yelled. And before Mangrove could even say, 'You may kiss the bride'; Glory flung herself onto Deathbringer and kissed him in one long moment of silent bliss. But then it broke. Tsunami chuckled. Glory swatted her with her tail. Back to the old ways.
     Mangrove and the royal procession led them up to the royal pavilion. A new golden throne laid next to Glory's. Simultaneously, the couple marched up to the thrones and sat down on them, all the while holding talons. The rest of the Dragonets of Destiny sat down in smaller thrones beside the couple. Cheers erupted once more.


  1. Eevee,Glorybringer,WarriorcatloverDecember 20, 2020 at 1:11 PM

    Plz make Fricken more

  2. I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I LOVE THISSSsSSS!!!! Make one of them having eggs or something

  4. plz make one of Tsunami and riptide!!!

  5. It was soooooo good! Can u make one of them having eggs?
