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Monday, June 27, 2016

5 times Starflight loved Sunny

We all know poor Starflight has a deep crush on Sunny. Let's see just how many times he went a little too far..

1. " I thought it sounded nice," Sunny said. Starflight shot her a grateful look.

2. " You can blindfold me." Sunny offered. I don't mind."
" If you do that, she can ride on my back." Tsunami suggested. She missed having the little SandWing come lean on her trustingly. Sunny was still acting jumpy and nervous around her , four whole days after her fight with the SkyWing soldier, as if Tsunami might suddenly attack someone out of nowhere for no reason.
" Or my back," Starflight jumped in quickly.

3. " Oh, Starflight. Maybe you should actually do something about that crush of yours. He'd never admitted it aloud, but Glory was pretty sure he'd been hopelessly in love with Sunny his whole life. She was also pretty sure that Sunny had no idea, and that she would never find out at this rate." 

4." I love you, he would never say. Don't hate me because of what the other NightWings have done. Don't think I'm like my tribe. Don't listen to Glory's description of my kingdom, the smoke and the fire and the smell and the death and the trapped, tortured RainWings and the cruel black dragons. Don't look at me like I'm one of them, like I could ever do what they've done, please." - 

5. No, I mean- your all I think about and I want to be near you and it hurts when I'm not, and everything I do, I think, what would Sunny want me to do? And I think you're the only dragon who sees me the whole way I am and likes me anyway... And I had to tell you, in case something happens to either one of us today, although if anything happens to you I don't know how I'd be able to breathe or think or do anything ever again."

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