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Monday, May 15, 2017

Truth or Dare!

Includes: Tsunami, Sunny, Riptide, Qibli, Fatespeaker, Moon, Winter, Glory, Deathbringer, Starflight, and Lily, the winner or our Draw a Dragon Contest. (Oooooh.. All the couples together!)😙😘
 Sunny: Okay let's play truth or dare. I'll go first. Okay Tsunami truth or dare?
Tsunami: DARE! Of course.
Sunny: I dare you to go kiss Starflight, right now.
Tsunami walks toward Starflight and kisses him.
Riptide stares at her with wide eyes.  And then sobbing. Lots of sobbing.
Tsunami: I can't believe I actually did that.
Tsunami: Fatespeaker, Truth or Dare?
Fatespeaker: Well, I'm feeling a little squeamish, so I guess, Truth?
Tsunami: Good choice. Fatespeaker, do you love Starflight?
Fatespeaker: Umm... Yes?
Starflight: Noooooooooooooo!
Fatespeaker: Okay, I thought I was your girlfriend!
Starflight: But my true love is Sunny!
Qibli: Ooh, a love triangle...
Fatespeaker: Okay...... Um..... Glory truth or dare?
Glory: Dare.
Fatespeaker: I dare you to get Thorn angry!
*one day later*
Glory: Ummmm.......  Queen Thorn, I'm here to inform you that Sunny and Starflight are having eggs.
Queen Thorn: WHAAT! I am going to KILL YOU!
*back to present time*
Glory: Wow, Sunny; your mother's a feisty one!!
Sunny: I hope to follow her!
Glory: Yeah, sure.
Sunny: What? Oh well. Now, I pick..... Moon! Truth or dare?
Moon: Truth?
Sunny: What is your favorite color?
Lily: Uhh. Sunny? Shouldn't you be picking something, you know, mysterious?
Sunny: I like to keep it light!
Moon: My favorite color is midnight black, by the way. Well, Lily, truth or dare?
Lily: Dare, please.
Moon: Umm..... I dare you to go find a scavenger, name it, dress it up, and make it your pet.
Tsunami: Where did that come from?
Moon: Uhhh. Deathbringer?
Tsunami shrugs. What the heck.
Lily: So, Deathbringer? Choose..
Deathbringer: Dare, my lady.
Lily: That gives me an idea! I dare you to say my lady after everything you say.
Deathbringer: Yes, my lady.
Glory glares at Deathbringer while Lily blushes furiously.
Deathbringer: I choose Qibli, my lady. Truth or dare, my lady?
Qibli: Dare. Though I'd prefer you don't call me that.
Deathbringer: I'm sorry, but it's a dare, my lady. I dare you to go take Moon out on a romantic date in the rainforest my lady.
Winter: *turns extremely red in the face and makes a cutthroat motion* You will pay, SandWing.
Qibli: So, uh, Moon? You wanna, ya know, go on a date with me? To the rainforest?
Moon: Uhhhh. Splendid! Yeah, splendid indeed. *Gulp*
Qibli: So, truth or dare, Winter?
Winter: *Growl* Truth.
Qibli: How much do you love Moon?
Winter gulps and suddenly flaps away.
Qibli: Well, that's undecided. I'll do this again. So truth or dare, Queen Glory?
Glory: A truth, please.
Qibli: When are you going to propose to Deathbringer?
Glory: As a matter of fact, I already did. Well, he did, really. But I accepted.
Glory: Oh, don't be so surprised. Deathy loves me very much. So, Riptide, truth or dare?
Riptide: DARE!
Glory: I dare you to go get some sushi:
Everyone but Glory: SUSHI!!!
A mad stampede proceeds out of the room with a flustered looking Glory left behind.
Glory: Oh well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Sorry for the delay (of 20 days) but now we have the results for the dragon drawing contest!!!
In third place we have....... Fontain the SeaWing
In second place is.......... Seabreeze the SeaWing
And finally the winner of this contest.......... Lily the RainWing
So Lily gets to be part of our fan fiction. Congratulations Lily!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Update! Update!

We have 2 new entries they are:
1.Rainbow the RainWing
2.Glory the RainWing
3.Fontain the SeaWing
4.Lily the RainWing
5.Seabreeze the SeaWing

LILY, SEABREEZE AND FONTAIN are in the top three! Keep sending in more entries!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Seven Minutes in Heaven at Clay's Engagement Party!!!

Welcome to the next edition of Seven Minutes in Heaven! Thanks to all those fans that have been supporting us on The official WoF Scholastics Website! We love y'all! Unlike the readers on this blog who don't comment!! *Grrr....* Enjoy!

The orange sun set quietly over the Diamond Spray Delta River. But as for Clay and Peril's engagement party, the music blared, dragons blabbered, and waltzed all over the dance floor, from Glory and Deathbringer's fast salsa to Moon and Winter's slow waltz. 
As Deathbringer had done at the Dragonets' hatching party, he jumped onto the stage and shouted into the megaphone.
"ATTENTION FRIENDS, FOES, AND ROYAL IDIOTS!" The crowd went wild. "Wow, they really love me." Deathbringer remarked.
"It's the quote, you idiot." Glory said. "And I'm the one who thought of it. I wrote your whole speech! Except the Seven minutes in Heaven part, which you decided to do. Don't tell me you're thinking of doing that again." Glory said.
"Oh yes I am!"
"Noooooo!!!" Glory wailed.
"We're playing your all time favorite party game, Seven Minutes in Heaven! As you all attended the hatching party, you all know how to play. But for those people who can't remember why you're here, all you have to do is go in a closet for seven minutes with a dragon opposite your gender, doing, let's just put it this way; stuff that both of you like. And in courtesy to Miss Peril, we've added a fireproof coat to the closet. So let's begin!" Deathbringer announced.
"The first dragon will be... Drumroll please.... Mr. Riptide of the SeaWings!" Deathbringer yelled picking a slip out of the first bucket. Riptide strode confidently to the stage, humbly accepting a bouquet of flowers smacked into his face.
"Let's see which lucky dragon gets to kiss this dragon! Deathbringer said, handing Riptide the bucket.
"Pick away!"
Riptide covered his eyes and groped around in the bucket. He picked out a slip that was labeled 'squid-brain'. He knew who it was right away.
"Come on up Miss.Tsunami!" He said, grabbing Deathbringer's megaphone and shouting into it mischievously.
"Looks likes somebody's ready to be with me." Tsunami said chuckling.
Deathbringer handed the couple skyfire pouches, and pushed both of them into the closet, locking it.
"Seven minutes... Starts... NOW!!" Deathbringer shouted from outside.
"Fancy playing around with the SeaWing heir?" Tsunami asked into the dark.
"You bet. And there's no being shy with me. C'mon, open up Tsunami. You've got to tell your secrets to your future husband." Riptide said, lighting up all his stripes, illuminating his handsome face.
An image flashed into Tsunami's mind. She and Riptide were into a cave together. But there was an ocean blue dragonet scurrying around their laughing figures. It couldn't be who she thought it was. But it was. Her very own dragonet. She was visualizing it already, when she wasn't even married.
"Ever think of having dragonets?" Tsunami finally managed to say.
"Why of course!" Riptide said, looking surprised. "Nowadays, when father talks about my mother and me, my only wish is to have our- oops, I mean my own dragonet to love."
Did Riptide just say 'our'? He did, thought Tsunami.
"You said 'our', admit it. You love me." Tsunami playfully said knocking his snout.
"Well, I do. But do you?" Riptide asked apologetically, a little afraid of what the response might be.
"If you didn't know before, here's something that will prove it." Tsunami said.
She pushed her snout onto his, taking in the sea breeze scent and enjoying every moment of it. After what could be five seconds or five years, she pulled away.
"Well that was nice." Riptide said, fingering Tsunami's snout tenderly. " Care to go for another round?" He asked. I
"You bet." Tsunami said.
They pushed their snouts closer and closer, just as-
The door flung open.
"R-Riptide, I didn't know you-you were, well, THAT!" Deathbringer said.
The couple walked sheepishly back to their seats.
Deathbringer picked another slip from the bucket.
"May I call up Mr. Starflight of the NightWings?" Deathbringer announced.
Starflight, blindfolded, stumbled up to the stage. Glory helped him up.
Stumbling across the stage, he picked a slip from the raised alphabet bucket, designed just for him.
Carefully reading it, it spelled 'I'm having a vision!'. Starflight knew who that was.
" Umm... Fatespeaker?" He called.
"Eeeeeep! I'm with Starflight!" She said, running up to the stage.
She threw herself into Starflight's arms. He stumbled under the weight.
" I'm having a vision, where me and you have a blast in the closet!" Fatespeaker said, leading Starflight into the closet.
" 7 minutes you two" Kinkajou said locking the closet. "Ummm..." Starflight said to Fatespeaker. "Now I feel like I'm blind, it's so dark in here." Fatespeaker mumbled. No one said a word for a few minutes.
Suddenly, the door was kicked open and Sunny grabbed Starflight and flew off cackling, "He's mine now!!! Mwa-ha-ha!!" She yelled.
Fatespeaker was left sobbing on the ground until someone could comfort her. (which happened to be when Starflight stumbled back with a few bleeding wounds.)

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Wings of Fire Trivia!!!

Welcome to the first edition of WoF trivia! Answers will be posted shortly, after a few answers.

1. What kind a singing voice does Starflight have?
2. What is Clay's mother's name?
3. Name all of Clay's sibs.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Update for contest (again)

  We have one more entry for the contest. So now we have 3 entries, they are:
Rainbow the RainWing
Glory the RainWing
Fontain the SeaWing

Right now Fontain is in the lead.
Please enter our contest!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who is better, Thorn or Ruby?

This is debate to see who is the better queen Thorn or Ruby? Starring Ms.M and Ms.P.

Ms. P: Queen Ruby is a very good queen. End of discussion.
Ms. M: Not end of discussion, Ruby is a horrible Queen even Glacier is better.
Ms. P: How dare you? Glacier is an IceWing, of all tribes. She follows that dastardly IceWing ranking system. Ruby converted the arena to a hospital. She takes care of her subjects! That is clearly a sign of being a good queen.
Ms. M: She was under a spell!
Ms.P: She was not! She was just in Tourmaline's body! She was still herself, just in different scales. She loves her son dearly, too, so she probably loves dragonets.
Ms. M: She made everyone swear to be loyal to her. Besides, she just took over the kingdom without even trying to find Scarlet.
Ms. P: She tried her hardest to find Scarlet! And she made dragons swear because she was protecting them against mutiny! It wouldn't be great to have a bunch of Scarlet supporters take over the whole Sky Kingdom! She made sure all the citizen were loyal to her and wouldn't mutiny against her.
Random Person: Oooooh! Who is going to go to jail this time?
Ms. M: Be quiet, anyway Thorn has "the power of the wings of fire."
Ms. P: The 'power of the Wings of Fire' was only for the SandWing's war of succession. It didn't count other tribes. If there was one for SkyWings,  Queen Ruby would have definitely gotten it over Scarlet.
Ms. M: I guess, but there isn't. And Thorn is much more stronger she fought Princess Burn's huge army with her tiny one. Ruby on the other hand couldn't fight Scarlet, she had to be Tourmaline first.
Ms. P: Thorn is strong, but Ruby had to be changed into Tourmaline because the spell made it impossible for her to defeat Scarlet. She would have surely died if she still...
Ms. M: Okay, Okay we get it you think Ruby is awesome. Just vote for who you think is the best.